1. Life. Pretty straight forward but complicated to the point of insanity.
2. Music. Basically the same as life, just sounds a whole lot better.
3. Spirituality. Let Life take Music out to a nice date at the local Steak&Shake and you get the love-child known as Spirituality.
4. Proper Hydration. Even a perfect athletic specimen such as The Holy Jeez can struggle with Proper Hydration.
5. Crying Lizards. Have you ever seen the Crying Lizards eyes? They're a lot like dolls eyes, all cold and lifeless like. Except they leak blood. Who will save us now?
6. Huge Fish. Who wouldn't want to know more? Seriously.
7. Death Metal. From the grittiest gutturals to the carnal screams of the Underworld, I must know more about this music played straight from the harps of Satan himself, Death Metal.
8. Underground Hip Hop. Self explanatory.
9. Slander/Off Color Comments. Only for educational purposes would I like to know more about the raunchiest slander out there. You dig my damie?
10. BMI. What in the Holy Jeez is BMI? Can't doctors just call me fat instead of saying, "Your BMI is well over average...you have two months at best." Acceptance is a good friend.
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